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Automation Controller must only allow the use of DOD PKI-established certificate authorities for verification of the establishment of protected sessions.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-256910 APAS-AT-000110 SV-256910r961596_rule Medium
An untrusted source may leave the system vulnerable to issues such as unauthorized access, reduced data integrity, loss of confidentiality, etc. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000427-AS-000264, SRG-APP-000514-AS-000137
Red Hat Ansible Automation Controller Application Server Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-10


Check Text ( C-60585r902298_chk )
The Administrator must check the Automation Controller configuration.

Download the latest DOD PKI CA certificate bundle:

curl https://dl.dod.cyber.mil/wp-content/uploads/pki-pke/zip/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.zip > /root/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.zip && gunzip /root/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.zip

Check the certificate at /etc/tower/tower.cert:

openssl verify -verbose -x509_strict -CAfile /root/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.pem -CApath nosuchdir <(cat /etc/tower/tower.cert >>>>)

If the >>>> does not exist, this is a finding.

Check the certificate at /etc/tower/tower.key:
openssl verify -CAfile /root/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.pem /etc/tower/tower.cert

If the >>>> does not exist, this is a finding.

Check the trusted ca certificate:

openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/ca-trust/tls-ca-bundle.pam custom_ca_cert

If the >>>> does not exist, this is a finding.

If the >>>> does not exist, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-60527r902299_fix)
For each Automation Controller host, the administrator must:

Download the >>>>;

Generate the appropriate /etc/tower/tower.key files, certificates, and CSRs and have the organizationally defined PKI authority issue a certificate signed by the >>>>;

Place the signed certificate in /etc/tower/tower.cert.

Place the >>>> in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors.

update-ca-trust extract && update-ca-trust;

Download the latest DOD PKI CA certificate bundle:

curl https://dl.dod.cyber.mil/wp-content/uploads/pki-pke/zip/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.zip > /root/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.z && gunzip /root/certificates_pkcs7_DOD.z > /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors

Install trusted root and intermediate CA certificates:

update-ca-trust extract && update-ca-trust;